FRAXEL PRODUCTS | Fraxel re:pair® Treatment
FRAXEL PRODUCTS | Fraxel re:pair® Treatment
Phone: 1-972-275-9062
The Fraxel re:pair laser is the only CO2 laser on the market that delivers the efficacy of conventional bulk ablative lasers—without the prolonged downtime, risks or complications.
Though it’s the newest product in the Fraxel family, the Fraxel repair laser has already started revolutionizing the industry. It delivers dramatic results in a single treatment—without weeks of downtime. It’s also a compelling option for patients who want remarkable results without surgery.
Advanced technology—
CO2 resurfacing meets fractional photothermolysis
Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, which perform a thin, general ablation of the entire skin surface, the Fraxel re:pair laser uses microscopic treatment zones (MTZs) to ablate tissue deep within the dermis. Even though the laser does not protect the stratum corneum, the unique Fraxel technology spares much of the surrounding healthy tissue in the demis. This results in immediate coagulation, tissue shrinkage and skin tightening.
The Fraxel repair is a CO2 laser which combines the efficacy of ablative skin resurfacing with safety of fractional delivery.
Powerful and versatile—Treat many indications with a single system
Thanks to the unique fractional technology, the Fraxel re:pair system can be used for both superficial skin conditions and deeper damage. And since you select the energy level, treatment level and number of passes, you can tailor each treatment to your patient’s needs. Key features of the Fraxel repair system:
• Treats up to 4 times faster than any other ablative fractional device. Our exclusive Intelligent Optical Tracking® system adjusts to hand speed and ensures treatment is uniform and fast. A typical full-face treatment takes just 30-40 minutes, which enables you to treat more patients and maximize ROI. The continuous-motion system, meanwhile, delivers higher coverage and better, longer-lasting results.
• Delivers the broadest range of fractional ablative treatment parameters. The intuitive, touch-screen interface guides you through the parameter selection—superficial to deep (5-70 mJ) and mild to aggressive (5-70% coverage). The system optimizes the microscopic spot size for each energy level, maximizing penetration while minimizing bulk heating in surrounding tissue.
• The only fractional ablative device with FDA clearance for vascular dyschromia. In addition, Fraxel re:pair treatment is cleared for ablation and resurfacing of soft tissue, rhytides, pigmented lesions, wrinkles, fine lines, furrows and textural irregularities.
• Ease of use. Fraxel re:pair is a single-handed, single-operator treatment. Plus, it is the only fractional ablative device with built-in smoke evacuation, minimizing plume and smell—and eliminating the need for staff support.
• Safe choice. The unique Fraxel scanning technology, combined with the precision and effectiveness of a CO2 laser source, reduces the degree of risk for lines of demarcation or long-term side effects compared with traditional CO2 lasers.
• Clinically proven technology. The Fraxel re:pair laser is backed by extensive research with more than three years of clinical follow-up with over 2,500 patients and 5,000 histologies.
Fraxel re:pair Potential side effects include prolonged redness, swelling, oozing, petechiae, delayed wound healing, scarring, crusting or scabbing, infection from bacterial, viral or fungal agents, pigmentary changes (hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation), herpes reactivation and acne flare-up.
